CD changer

CD systems in motor vehicles represent a relatively new technology with which service technicians in the automotive industry must concern themselves. At the start of the 1980s, the CD as a medium began to conquer the market. It took a few years before development had progressed to the stage that CD players were also available for mobile use.

Basic principles of CD technology

The music information (audio data) is stored on the CD in digital form (value 0 and 1). The data is scanned by the reflection of beams of light. The pick-up sends a strongly bundled beam of infrared light to the CD surface. This is reflected by the silver or gold metallised surface then picked up and evaluated by an optical sensor. From a purely physical point of view, the length of peaks and valleys change the reflection in certain patterns so that the values 0 and 1 can be distinguished.

The audio data is stored in concentric circles and not in a spiral as on a conventional vinyl disc. In addition to the music, the CD tracks therefore contain further information which serves the purpose of pick-up tracking. This also makes it possible to jump from one track to another during playback. Bear in mind here that 30 of these information tracks are more or less as wide as a human hair. We are therefore dealing with microscopic dimensions.

However, not only the track must be scanned; irregularities in the CD surface must also be balanced out. This is why the focus of the reflected infrared beam is permanently monitored and corrected by raising and lowering the pick-up lens. This operation is referred to as focussing.

If data is lost during the pick-up procedure (due to scratches, impact etc.), to a certain extent, this data can be reconstructed. For this purpose, the last value read is compared with the next readable value. From both values, the error correction facility calculates a kind of mean value. This procedure cannot be perceived by the human ear.

The CD changer in mobile applications

In a car CD changer, various conditions occur which are frequently misconstrued as faults. Many phenomena are, however, system-related and therefore cannot be avoided.

The mechanism of the CD changer must be mounted on springs, but it must not vibrate; it must be able to compensate for (dampen) impacts. For instance, unevenness in the road surface can be compensated for in this way.

The CDs are held in a 6-compartment magazine. Only the CD which is to be played is located completely within the mechanical part. The CD is transported from the magazine into the play position by means of 2 rubber rollers which pull the CD out of the magazine. Once the CD has reached the play position, it is lowered and fixed on a cone in the centre hole (clamping). Playback can now begin. The CD is transported back into the magazine in the reverse order. 3 photoelectric barriers are installed in the changer in order to determine the CD within the mechanical part. The order in which these beams are interrupted indicates the precise position of the CD.

Malfunctions caused by CDs

Due to the particular conditions under which a mobile CD changer operates, CDs which are outside or right at the limit of the manufacturing tolerance can give rise to the following problems (among others.

Many undesirable effects can be caused by CDs with edges which are inadequately deburred or too thick:


Do not use CDs which are inadequately deburred. Extremely thick CDs may be used only if there are not several such CDs in the same magazine.

Single CDs (8 cm) with single adapter, protective films and protective paint or with stabiliser rings:


Do not use such CDs with accessories in the vehicle.

Transparent CDs:

In individual cases, CDs will have manufacturing defects. This concerns the layer on which the information is stored. It is sometimes possible to play such CDs on the home system but not in the car. This is not a fault in the CD changer, rather a property resulting from the fact that the error correction in the vehicle makes different demands than in stationary operation. A home player reacts very sensitively to impact and vibration. No one complains if a device of this kind no longer works properly if it is shaken. The laser tracking can be optimised to pick up surface errors. A compromise has to be made with mobile applications, on the other hand. Due to the possible vibrations, the control range of the laser tracking must be limited in its capacity to compensate for surface flaws. And this is exactly what makes mobile applications possible.

It is rare that CDs are not completely flat, i.e. have an axial runout as often occurred with vinyl records. As a CD is scanned from inside to outside, on such CDs there are rare cases in which error correction is overtaxed when playing the last track. This can lead to a CD changer being very sensitive to vibrations when playing the last track.

Notes on pick-up errors

In stationary vehicle:

While driving:


Many customer complaints are attributed to other causes than the CD changer. These causes may include poor quality CDs, other, external effects or simply misguided expectations.